Tuesday, July 1, 2014


A lot of people have testimonies of going through hard times and God sheltering them to safety. Worldly Safety. We're coming to a time when God's going to ask is to face hard time. Persecution. Tribulation. My testimony is a little different. It's not about what happened to me. It's about i was not redeemed. And I'm not a good person. Most people are deceived. Any goodness that comes out is a Jesus thing. Without Him I'm not Joyful. I'm Selfish, Hateful, and about what makes me happy. Lustful, Violent and Impatient.
I received Grace. I deserve Nothing. I owe Him Everything. Myself. My life.

Matthew 16:25 " For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.